We’re excited to announce that the very same FrayTools plugins actively used for internal Fraymakers development have been publicly released on GitHub! They were sneakily released a few weeks ago and they’ve already started to continue development from these open-source repositories. In addition to the Fraymakers plugins you’ll also be able to find “plugin-core“, the FrayTools library that serves as a development kit for creating your own plugins, along with some minimal example code repositories. Check out everything we’ve released so far below!
Fraymakers Plugins: https://github.com/Fraymakers
Development Tooling and Sample Projects: https://github.com/FrayTools
With this change, we’ve moved the Fraymakers API documentation from its original website over to GitHub to simplify maintenance and provide a better browsing experience. You can explore the new home for the documentation here:
Keep an eye out for further developments!